Looking for a commercial money market account?
We have some options for you. Compare our accounts below and choose the one that's your speed.
Money Market savings
Our Money Market Savings requires a lower opening deposit and a lower minimum balance to avoid the monthly fee. Choose this account if you may have to reduce the balance to less than $5,000 in a month.
- Minimum opening balance of $2,500.
- Maintenance fee of $7.95 imposed each month the minimum ledger balance falls below $2,500 or the average collected balance is less than $5,000 any day of the month.
- Limit of six (6) debits / withdrawals in a month.
Advantage Money market
The advantage of our Advantage Money Market is interest is earned on a tiered system. If you want the chance to earn more interest, this is your account.
- Minimum opening deposit of $5,000.
- A monthly minimum balance fee of $10.00 will be imposed if your balance in the account falls below $5,000 any day of the month.
- Three (3) free debits / withdrawals per month; $10.00 each after that; Limit of six (6) debits / withdrawals each month.
- Interest paid monthly based on daily ledger balance as follows:
- Tier 1 = up to $9,999.99:
- Tier 2 = $10,000 - $99,999.99:
- Tier 3 = $100,000 - $249,999.99:
- Tier 4 = $250,000 - $499,999.99:
- Tier 5 = $500,000 and up:
terms and conditions
All money market accounts are subject to certain terms and conditions, including but not limited to the following:
- $25.00 cancellation fee on any account closed within 60 days after it is opened.
- All interest bearing transaction accounts will be subject to change.
- All transactions received after 6:00 p.m. will be credited on the next business day.
- If the account is closed before interest is credited, you will not receive any accrued interest.
Please review the disclosures provided at account opening for full terms and conditions and any fees associated with the account.