A bank you can count on.
As a community bank, Community Bank Bristow remains well capitalized and well positioned to continue to serve our customers and our community. We were chartered 50 years ago and expect to serve this community for generations to come. As a community bank customer, you have access to our experienced team, and we stand ready to assist you at all times with any of your questions or concerns.
Nobody has ever lost a dime of FDIC-insured deposits. For those customers with questions about whether additional insurance coverage is needed, we are ready and prepared to assist you in identifying whether additional insurance coverage is necessary and ensuring your deposit needs are met. If you have questions about your coverage, or would like to learn more about FDIC insurance and how it works, we encourage you to access the following resources or give us a call at (918) 367-3343.
Understanding Deposit Insurance
We understand you may have concerns at this time. We want to reassure you that Community Bank Bristow does not speculate in unusual instruments such as crypto. We take deposits and make loans. Period. No one has lost a dime on their deposits at Community Bank Bristow. We are a bank you can count on. Now and well into the future.